Adigemarathon, Verona, Italië

Deze marathon is niet voor watjes, het water is af en toe behooorlijk wild.. Kijk naar de website voor een impressie.

The canoe and kayak AdigeMarathon on river Adige will take place on Sunday 15th October 2017, organized by Canoa Club Pescantina and Canoa Club Borghetto.

Adigemarathon will be the last race of the ICF Classic Canoe Marathon World Series.

The courses is the following:

MARATHON WORLD SERIES – from Borghetto di Avio (Trento) to Pescantina (Verona) km. 36.3; 

At the moment of registration, a bib number will be given to each participant. This must be handed in at the end of the race to the staff of the organization in order to collect the race bag.

Under the bib number each participant must wear a regular life jacket, otherwise he will be considered out of race. 

The helmet is also compulsory, otherwise the participant will be considered out of race.